The facade is the face of a house.
In fact, it has a major impact on the look and feel of a house. Facades are just as diverse and individual as faces. And they want to be looked after and protected just as individually.
A good and optimal facade protection, preferably already in the construction phase, simplifies the removal of all kinds of soiling. That saves costs.
Moisture is also the cause of almost all types of structural damage. Mineral building materials such as natural stone, bricks, plaster and concrete naturally absorb water. Moisture promotes biological growth, for example through algae, moss, lichens, fungi and makes the natural stone unsightly. Protective impregnations on facades or other natural stone surfaces also help here.
The use of high-pressure cleaners for cleaning destroys more than it saves. The surface of the natural stone is roughened by the high pressure and sometimes even the surface is destroyed. The natural stone, e.g. sandstone, gets dirty much faster afterwards. If high-pressure cleaners are already being used, then from an appropriate distance for rinsing and with little pressure to completely remove the loosened dirt.
After cleaning and sufficient drying, it is therefore urgently recommended to impregnate the natural stone because of its absorbency. You should definitely afford this protection for your natural stone surface and it is also not expensive.
Protection indoors is of course also advisable, e.g. for worktops in the kitchen or for floor areas.
For years we have been using products that we can recommend to you or that we can process for you.
We would be happy to answer your questions or make you an offer.